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Employee photos Vienna - professional photography from Vienna

Employee portraits from a professional

We are normally active in the greater Vienna area, but also in the surrounding federal states. The shoot can be carried out at your company or at our photo studio. However, the photographer will normally come to your company! Employee portraits are taken from as little as 20 euros per employee(excluding travel and set-up), fair prices are guaranteed. Contact us right away by e-mail!

Overview of employee photos in Vienna

Why are employee photos/portraits so important?

Employees are a company’s most important asset, its calling card, so to speak. The effect of professional Portraits of employees above all should not be underestimated. These are very important for your customers to present your company and your team with all employees.  Employees are the business cards  of a company, the same applies to  professional employee portraits or your organization  on the Internet or in print.

Don’t underestimate the impact of professional employee portraits!

Employee portraits are also available for Social media like FacebookLinkedIn or for your marketing department or PR department of particular importance. The impact of these images on social media should not be underestimated. 

High-quality employee portraits are just as important as a professional corporate image and convey a feeling of seriousness.


Business portraits are often taken directly in the context of the activity of the person to be portrayed – here we bring some ideas to the table. There is a difference between the company owner of a craft business and the division manager of an IT company – but we are also open to suggestions for other ways of doing things The business portraits can also be taken in the studio. It’s all a matter of good planning. Special creativity and preparation by the photographer is necessary here.

Employee photos are becoming more and more important. In many cases, the first contact with the company is via the Internet and the more personal and individual the website and therefore the photos are designed, the more likely the potential customer Contact the company or your employee or colleague.

Every person’s first impression counts. Whether in business, on the website or with other colleagues – it is in the eye of the beholder which style, which look is perfect in the photo. We use every opportunity to create the perfect look and tackle every photographic problem. Whether for your business or your website – we will find the right solution for every problem. Let’s discuss your options!

Employee photos for companies of all sizes

Small and large companies are increasingly relying on a presence on the Internet and want to convince customers there of their own services. Professional business photos play a major role here. A Employee photo shoot is an important tool, especially for small and medium-sized companies, doctors and similar professional groups. We have the the most important questions about good employee portraits summarized for you.

FAQ on employee portraits

The answer to this question depends largely on the corporate culture. If the employees in the company all wear corporate wear, then this should also be taken into account in the employee portraits. This looks pleasant and uniform and underlines once again the corporate relationship. If casual clothing is permitted, employees should still wear similar colors if possible so that the look of the page is retained and the employee portraits do not appear too restless.

In principle, of course, you do not have to take photos of all employees. From a certain company size onwards, this is hardly expedient. It is important that the employees are shown, who take on most of the customer contact. When looking at the portraits, the customer already gets a feeling of who will serve or advise him later. As a company, you also have to consider that not every employee wants to be photographed. This point must also be taken into account when planning and creating employee portraits.

A professional effect is particularly important when it comes to employee portraits. Accordingly, the portraits should be made by a specialized photographer who can use the light and setting to create the desired impression. Using cell phone photos as employee portraits is not only unprofessional, but also rarely makes a good impression on customers and visitors to a website.

Good employee portraits should convince the customer of the company and of the offers. This means, among other things, that the employees should appear natural and friendly in the portraits. When looking at the employees, the customer should immediately feel welcome and want to visit the company. A website with good employee portraits can be very effective in tempting visitors to visit a company or to buy goods or services.

No customer or advertising partner demands up-to-date employee portraits. In principle, however, the portraits should not be so outdated that the employees’ faces are no longer recognizable in reality. If there are changes in an employee, for example due to a radical change in hairstyle or an extremely strong increase or decrease, you should think about new employee portraits. In many companies it is now customary that new employee portraits are made every one or two years. In this way, entries and exits in the company can also be entered directly on the website.

Employee portraits can be used in a variety of ways in marketing. They can be used, for example, to gradually introduce the team and its areas of activity in newsletters. In addition, high-quality employee portraits offer the opportunity to use them to advertise certain goods or groups of goods and services, if the responsible employees are also quoted for the portraits.

A company can build trust and demonstrate transparency through employee portraits. In this way, potential customers can already familiarize themselves with the people on site or even recognize which employee will be responsible for them. This often significantly lowers the inhibition threshold to trust a new company.

Above all, locally operating companies, but also doctors and service providers from various industries benefit from employee portraits on their own homepage. Very large companies and internationally active companies usually do without such portraits, as they only play an insignificant role for corporate marketing on this scale. However, if you want to be found locally, you should definitely not do without suitable employee portraits.

Let's discuss your requirements for your employee photos!

As photographers, we learn more about your ideas and your company’s internal premises and give you valuable tips for the shoot and get an idea of your expectations of the photo shoot.

We also discuss questions and the shooting process. Our photographers need about 5-10 minutes per employee, a plan in which order the employees are photographed is helpful and ensures a smooth process.


Employee photos - the process

On the day of the photo shoot, our photographers are on site about 30 minutes before the appointment to set up our equipment and make the light settings. After the appointment, we will process the pictures taken and make them available to you in our online system.

This online system is password protected (SSL encrypted) and the images can be downloaded in high resolution. After you have made your selection, we will give these pictures (especially the face) a beauty retouch. Of course, we can also bring in other partners such as make-up artists to enhance the photos with professional make-up. This gives you and your company the perfect image!

However, we do not alienate people, but remove skin imperfections, light dark circles and remove one or the other wrinkle. Normally, we take the time to discuss the extent of the beauty retouching and our ideas for the optimal image with the respective employee, if this is desired.

Have you already thought about team photos? Also
Team photos are a great addition
to business photos. They can simply be taken in addition to the normal portraits and the photographer has no significant additional work. This is simply done in the course of the shooting day. Other ideas can also be realized at the appointment!

This online system is password protected (SSL encrypted) and the images can be downloaded in high resolution. After you have made your selection (we take several photos per employee) we will make these photos one more Beauty retouch undergo. Of course, we can also bring in other partners such as make-up artists to enhance the photos with professional make-up.

However, we do not alienate people, but remove skin imperfections, light dark circles and remove one or the other wrinkle. Normally we take the time and discuss the extent of the beauty retouching with the respective employee, if that is desired.

Have you already thought about team photos? Also
Team photos are a great addition
to business photos. They can simply be taken in addition to the normal portraits and the photographer has no significant additional work. This is simply done in the course of the shooting day.

Employee photos - the post-processing

You will receive a selection per employee (not just one picture), which will be made available to you by the photographer via our online system. All photos have already been retouched and color-matched. Minor skin blemishes on the face are automatically removed by us, moles and the like are retained, as naturalness plays a major role. In addition, all employee photos are transmitted in the desired resolutions, whether in web resolution or print resolution.

Pricing model for employee photos

Find here our prices, our offer and contact us right away by e-mail or directly via the contact form. You can contact us Mon-Fri and at weekends .

The rights of use for commercial purposes are also included, and of course we guarantee that the selected photo is perfect for all our portraits. If you are not satisfied with the photo shoot or your business photos, we will repeat the photo shoot free of charge.

The rights of use for commercial use are also included, and of course we give a satisfaction guarantee for all our portraits. If you are not satisfied with the photo shoot or your business photos, we will repeat the photo shoot free of charge.

1-5 employees

150 Euro set-up & construction
35 per employee
  • individual background
  • professional recordings
  • all pictures in high resolution
  • all photos online or USB stick
  • commercial usage rights
  • professional retouching
  • rapid delivery

6-20 employees

150 Euro set-up & construction
25 per employee
  • individual background
  • professional recordings
  • all pictures in high resolution
  • all photos online or USB stick
  • commercial usage rights
  • professional retouching
  • rapid delivery

from 20 employees

150 Euro set-up & construction
20 per employee
  • individual background
  • professional recordings
  • all photos in high resolution
  • all photos online or USB stick
  • commercial usage rights
  • professional retouching
  • rapid delivery

Contact us for your employee portraits!

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